Our Strength Is Found in Jesus and Jesus Alone…

Our Strength Is Found in Jesus and Jesus Alone…

Good morning Humble Follower of Jesus Christ.

Father God we come before You with a heart for Your love, for Your strength and for Your Living Waters. Our unquenchable thirst can only be be satisfied with the Your Living Word.

Father God we lift Your name above our lives, above all that is, all that was and all that is to come, the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, will forevermore be in its rightful place of honor over all of the earth.

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On bended knee we seek Your guidance, Your mind and Your will. Bind Your will to ours and bind the Mind of Christ to ours that we may catch a glimpse of Your glory. Father God we thank You for renewing our mercies every morning for we know not where our lives would be without You.

Father God, ruler of all, Your love never fails us, You love goes before us, fills us and makes us whole. You lead us through every battle, it is under Your wing we find comfort and protection from the evils of this world. It is Your Word that speaks Truth to our soul.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. ~John 14:6 NASB95

Our strength is found in You and You alone.

Father God, lift Erik, lift his family and renew their strength, fortify them in Your love and go before them Lighting the Way of Love and Power in Jesus Christ.

God Almighty use Your Power of healing and touch the heart of Your mighty Warrior of Faith, Erik. Touch him, fill him and let him know You are with him, You are healing him.

Father God, send an Army of Angels to his side to pray blessings over Erik and his family. Send the Great Comforter, the Holy Spirit, to fill their hearts and reassure their soul.

We boldly come before You, Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ and in expectation of Your Power, ask, Father, be the hands of the care takers, bind the Mind of Christ with the care takers and, Father God, be their heart and soul. Fill each one of them with the Spirit of healing. Do it now, do it in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Father it is Your will, that we seek, and pray that it is Your will for all good things to rain down on Erik and his family in this moment. Don’t wait another minute, Father, we cry out to You, Jesus Christ, hear our pleas, answer our prayers.

In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen

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